"I brought my friends the dragonflies,"...
7/22/07 by Endorse
...said Brazilian Girls vocalist Sabina Sciubba, having fallen to her knees at the foot of the stage, looking above the crowd where about 5 or 6 beastly insects buzzed, as if arriving on her command. If so, no small feet, since she'd just mimicked flight with a cloth wings, danced (as this should certainly be described) exotically, and all while possibly blindfolded. That's her trait, but I wasn't sure at that distance.
I liked them a lot better after this show. Although the crowd focus definitely falls on her, the music is from the collective. That voice is irreplaceable, but no one should sneeze at the loops and rhythm section behind her. For all the crunch and beeps, the live performance comes across as organic; from what I can tell, the turntablist works his own Moog as often as sampling.
I think I'll leave the review of the opening acts to B, from his own bookkeeping:
My comments during the show: “Himilayas = We Think We’re the Arkestra” Jeff: “The happy, go-lucky, working-on-our-MFA-arkestra”; “Bombastic Elevator Music!” Jeff: “I’m convinced only 10 people are actually mic’ed/playing.”
Cat Empire, was next and proved to be somewhat ungratifying. Though, they were more tolerable than Apples in Stereo. They had that polished, jam band appeal but with Australian gusto and/or sheepishness. They committed the following sins: White man soul high pitched/faux gospel that tried so dearly to sound soulful and poignant; enforced hand clapping and waving (my biggest pet peeve); pointless banter about how amazing it was to ‘be here with everyone’; abrupt about faces in genre dipping (first a reggae number, followed by a blatant electro-clash meets cuban jam; white men singing in forced Caribbean accents {the worst!}; and then an ‘anti-war’ song.
We get along swell.
Photo by mteson.

Labels: concerts